Happy New Year, everyone!
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf
December 31, 2009
December 17, 2009
Spaghetti Squash Gratin

My first spaghetti squash! I have to admit, I was pretty sure I'd enjoy this new product even though I never tasted it before. I pretty much like all things coming from the squash/gourd family - cucumbers, zucchini, butternut squash, pumpkins and now spaghetti squash :)
The spaghetti squash is a kooky little thing. In its uncooked form it looks like any other large winter squash - thin outer shell, firm flesh and seeds in its center. Once cooked, however, its flesh separates into individual strands, like spaghetti, instead of just turning soft. Hence, its spaghetti name!
December 8, 2009
Banana Oat Muffins

I got this recipe over at honeyandjam where she's got some very beautiful pictures of the muffins (much nicer stuff than what I can get with my iPhone). They're very hearty and not overly sweet or banana-y, which I like very much. Great for a quick morning breakfast - something I struggle with everyday! Although I've never tried this myself, you could, technically, mix the batter the night before, fill the muffin tin, cover and refrigerate over night and then just bake them off in the morning. I just baked them the night before and warmed them up in the morning. You could do that too.
December 7, 2009
Cinnamon Covered Chocolate Chip Cookies

Well, let's see... Some girlfriends from California came to visit and we all had a gay ol' time... Then this big storm called the Nor'Easter hit Virginia and we were locked up inside without cable and internet service for about five days... Then Jason went to North Carolina for two weeks to do some training, during which time I didn't cook much (Ah, the plight of cooking for one...)... And for the recent four day Thanksgiving weekend we went on a road trip through Virginia to Gettysburg, PA. Phew! Lots of stuff happened in the last few weeks!
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