So here it is - food porn from our recent trip to France. We spent most of our time in Paris, mainly for the French Open, and practically ate our way through the city. That's what I call the perfect vacation. Many of the places we visited were sourced from David Lebovitz's list of favorite spots. He's also got a ton of other travel and food related advice if you're planning to make a trip to Paris in the future.
Another great Paris guide is the "Free and Frugal, Paris" app for iPhones. Tons of great suggestions for what to see, do, eat - and for cheap! One of the app's best feature is the option to sort activities by neighborhoods. So say you find yourself in the 18th arrondissement and you're dying for a bite to eat. Just open up the app and swipe through it's list of cheap eats in the 18th!
Before making it to Paris, we stopped in Nancy to visit Jason's friend Skylar who he knows from DLI. Sky and his wife Sharon were nice enough to let us stay with them for the weekend. We had a great time just hanging out in town, making dinner in their massive (by French standards) kitchen, smoking hookah out on the patio next to the fire pit and cuddling with their two pups, Machiato and Bailey. You know, living the typical, take-it-easy, French kind of life.
On Sunday we went down to the local boulangerie to pick up some bread and of course, macaroons! They had a delicious assortment of uniquely flavored macaroons and other sugary goodies. Oh, be still my heart!